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Transform Tables of Data in Cucumber

I'm working on Cucumber to write BDD tests for a Java program in a spring boot project.

Imagine this table as an example of user given data:

Given user wants to buy a T-shirt with the following attributes
  | color | size  |
  | blue  | small |
  | black | large |

the problem comes in mapping data, where I'm calling an API which gets data as json and knows colour not color and gets S and L as size properties not small and large.

is there any way to auto convert data from tables, including values or headers for tables with more columns and rows?


  • Here I will share how I've done that:

    first create a POJO for mapping data:

    public class TshirtInfo {
        private String colour;
        private String size;
        public String toString() {
            return "TshirtInfo [colour: " + colour + ", size: " + size + "]";

    then create a DataTransformer class to map data to POJO:

    public class DataTransformer implements TypeRegistryConfigurer {
        public DataTransformer () {
   = new HashMap<>();
  "small", "S");
  "large", "L");
        private Map<String, String> map;
        public Locale locale() {
            return Locale.ENGLISH;
        public void configureTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry typeRegistry) {
            typeRegistry.defineDataTableType(new DataTableType(TshirtInfo.class,
                            (Map<String, String> row) -> {
                                String colour = row.get("color");
                                String size ="size"));
                            return new LoginInfo(colour, size);

    finally for using them:

    public class Stepdefs implements En {
        public Stepdefs () {
            Given("user wants to buy a T-shirt with the following attributes", (DataTable dataTable) -> {
                List<TshirtInfo> infos = dataTable.asList(TshirtInfo.class);
            // other parts of your code

    Output would be like:

      | color | size  |
      | blue  | small |
      | black | large |
    [TshirtInfo [colour: blue, size: S], TshirtInfo [colour: black, size: L]]

    That's all.