Search code examples

Sorting numbers String typed in a TreeMap

I have a set of data that before plotting I wanted to reorganize.

The data consists in a bunch of repeated numbers and from those you calculate the frecuency. Then, in another function, I try to reorganize the transformed data (reoganize the frecuencies) in ascendal numeral order.

Java has many tools for that but I've been unsuccesful due to that the key is a number treated as a String (I know it's weird, but I can't change it...)

This function gets all the data into a list, raw data that must be processed. It comes "ordered ASC" from the SQL query.

public Map<String, Integer> getDurations(){

        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

        try {
            System.out.println("Building query");
            //Query query = em.createNativeQuery("Data.prices", String.class);

            Query spm = em.createQuery("SELECT d.length FROM Data d ORDER BY d.length ASC"); 

            List<String> durationList = new ArrayList<>();

            //Load output to a list
            for (Object item : spm.getResultList()){
            //Find the frecuency for later dynamically express the data into the chart
            return findFrecuency(durationList);
        } finally {

But once it is processed... The key is the previous number repeated in the List and the value is the number of repetitions -> frecuency.

private Map<String, Integer> findFrecuency(List<String> data){

        Map<String,Integer> frecuencyTable = new HashMap<>();

        for(String d : data){

                frecuencyTable.put(d, frecuencyTable.get(d)+1);
        //Reorganize the data before export
        frecuencyTable = frecuencyTable
                .collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> e.getValue(), (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new));

        System.out.println("Resulting frecuency is: " + frecuencyTable);

        return frecuencyTable;

I have tried this cool function which works

frecuencyTable = frecuencyTable
                .collect(toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> e.getValue(), (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new));

but the final data looks like this...

Resulting frecuency is: {100=12, 101=7, 102=11, 103=9, 104=6, 105=6, 106=6, 107=10, 108=5, 109=7, 110=9, 111=7, 112=13, 113=8, 114=10, 115=7, 116=4, 117=5, 118=8, 119=6, 120=9, 121=8, 122=11, 123=7, 124=4, 125=7, 126=9, 127=5, 128=7, 129=7, 130=6, 131=5, 132=8, 133=5, 134=5, 135=10, 136=9, 137=9, 138=6, 139=11, 140=5, 141=7, 142=7, 143=7, 144=8, 145=7, 146=5, 147=9, 148=7, 149=6, 150=8, 151=7, 152=9, 153=9, 154=7, 155=6, 156=4, 157=6, 158=6, 159=6, 160=6, 161=9, 162=5, 163=7, 164=4, 165=5, 166=5, 167=7, 168=4, 169=6, 170=4, 171=8, 172=8, 173=7, 174=6, 175=6, 176=10, 177=6, 178=10, 179=13, 180=7, 181=10, 182=6, 183=5, 184=8, 185=10, 46=5, 47=7, 48=11, 49=5, 50=9, 51=7, 52=7, 53=9, 54=6, 55=2, 56=5, 57=7, 58=7, 59=9, 60=8, 61=10, 62=6, 63=9, 64=9, 65=7, 66=2, 67=8, 68=5, 69=6, 70=7, 71=7, 72=4, 73=12, 74=12, 75=10, 76=7, 77=6, 78=6, 79=6, 80=10, 81=3, 82=7, 83=6, 84=13, 85=17, 86=5, 87=6, 88=4, 89=6, 90=5, 91=6, 92=11, 93=8, 94=4, 95=2, 96=2, 97=4, 98=8, 99=8}

from raw data

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After key 185 it goes to key 46 and I am I do not know how to work this around.

My goal is to have an ascendant key order, but the key is a String.


  • You can write a custom comparator to check if the value is string or int and compare accordingly.

    The below code works even if you've String Values instead of integers inside your Key. ({1=3, 12=1, a=1, kishore=1, 46=2, 48=1})

        frecuencyTable = frecuencyTable
                .sorted((e1, e2) -> {
            try {
                return, Integer.parseInt(e2.getKey()));
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                return e1.getValue().compareTo(e2.getValue());
        }).collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.getKey(), e -> e.getValue(), (e1, e2) -> e2, LinkedHashMap::new));

    If you're sure your keys are always Integers stored as string, you can remove the Catch Block.