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How to continue normal execution after exception in Common Lisp?

I want to catch unbound-variable exceptions and avoid them, creating some variables on-the-fly without execution breaks. I'm trying to use handler-bind with invoke-restart in the following code:

(defmacro my-progn (&rest rest)
      (lambda (x)
          ;(format t "UNBOUND VAR: ~a~%"
          ;  (symbol-name (cell-error-name x)))
          (invoke-restart 'just-continue)))))
    (progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
                      `(restart-case ,x (just-continue () "XXXX"))) rest))))

  (print "AAA")
  (print xxxx) ;; xxxx is unbound
  (print "BBB"))

The result is:


But I want to contiunue the execution of second print, just replacing unbound variable xxxx to string "XXXX":


Of course, I can wrap any symbol in the syntax tree with handler-bind, but I'm afraid this will produce a huge overhead.

Is there a way just to catch unbound-variable exceptions and continue code execution with the dynamically generated values instead of missing variables?


  • You can use the appropriate standard restart use-value.

          (lambda (c)
            (declare (ignore c))
            (use-value "XXXX"))))
      (print "AAA")
      (print xxxx)
      (print "BBB"))