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Convert RXJava Single to a coroutine's Deferred?

I have a Single from RxJava and want to continue working with a Deferred from Kotlin Coroutines. How to accomplish that?

fun convert(data: rx.Single<String>): kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred<String> = ...

I would be interested in some library (if there is any?) as well as in doing this on my own... So far I did this hand-made implementation on my own:

private fun waitForRxJavaResult(resultSingle: Single<String>): String? {
    var resultReceived = false
    var result: String? = null

        result = it
        resultReceived = true
    }, {
        resultReceived = true
        if (!(it is NoSuchElementException))
    while (!resultReceived)

    return result


  • There is this library that integrates RxJava with Coroutines:

    There's no function in that library to directly convert a single to a Deferred though. The reason for this is probably that an RxJava Single is not bound to a coroutine scope. If you want to convert it to a Deferred you would therefore need to provide it a CoroutineScope.

    You could probably implement it like this:

    fun <T> Single<T>.toDeferred(scope: CoroutineScope) = scope.async { await() }

    The Single.await function (used in the async-block) is from the kotlinx-coroutines-rx2 library.

    You can call the function like this:

    coroutineScope {
        val mySingle = getSingle()
        val deferred = mySingle.toDeferred(this)