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Unable to run tests in Selenium Grid referencing Chromedriver.exe in Maven setup

As part of my project, I am bundling the whole selenium grid as part of Maven bundle. The following is how my POM looks.

                        <echo message="Helloooooooooooooooooo, maven"/>
                        <java classname="org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3"
                            <arg line="-role hub"/>
                        <echo message="END OF TARGET1, maven"/>
                        <java classname="org.openqa.grid.selenium.GridLauncherV3"
                            <arg line="-role node
                                       -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register 
                                       -port 5555"/>
                        <echo message="END OF TARGET2, maven"/>


So, what I am planning to do is execute mvn antrun:run. This will be followed by mvn test which runs all the Selenium tests. The issue I am facing here is when I run the maven antrun:run command, seleniun grid with hub and node launches. But I also wish to invoke Chromedriver.exe as all my tests are based in ChromeDriver.

Is there something which we can do to mimic the following

java\Selenium\chromedriver.exe -jar %~dp0\selenium-server-standalone.jar -role hub in POM. As of now, I believe only -role hub is passed to the server jar and due to which I am not able to run any of the Selenium tests.


  • Well. I am using webdrivermanager to solve the above issue. Very sleek and easy to implement.