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What is wrong in this code related to pointer

/* The structure of the Linked list Node is as follows:

struct Node
    int val;
    struct Node *next;

    Node(int data){
        val = data;
        next = NULL;


void intersection(Node **head1, Node **head2,Node **head3)


The above code in not working but when I take another pointer Node* h1=*head1; and then print its value its working fine. In both codes the value I want to print is same then why above code is wrong;

/* The structure of the Linked list Node is as follows:

struct Node
    int val;
    struct Node *next;

    Node(int data){
        val = data;
        next = NULL;


void intersection(Node **head1, Node **head2,Node **head3)

    Node* h1=*head1;


  • In this code snippet

    void intersection(Node **head1, Node **head2,Node **head3)

    the expression


    is equivalent to

    *( head1->val )

    (because the postfix operator -> has higher priority than the unary operator *) but the pointer head does not point to an object of the structure type. It points to another pointer, You have to write

    ( *head1 )->val

    This is equivalent to the expression with the intermediate variable h1

    Node* h1 = ( *head1 );

    To make the difference more visible you can rewrite the expression of accessing the data member val the following way

    ( **head ).val

    that is now the expression **head yields the lvalue of an object of the type struct Node.

    Or using an intermediate variable like

    Node *h1 = *head;
    ( *( h1 ) ).val