we have multiple threads trying to get from EHCache and this sometimes causes concurrencymodification exceptions. I tried Retryable to address this issue but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Any suggestions?
@Retryable(include= ConcurrentModificationException.class, backoff = @Backoff(delay = 5000, maxDelay = 3000), maxAttempts = 5)
public Object getFromCache(String cacheDomain, String cacheKey) {
Object value = null;
Cache cacheObject = getCacheObject();
if (cacheObject != null) {
StringBuilder fullCacheKey = new StringBuilder();
synchronized (cacheObject) {
Element cacheElement = cacheObject.get(fullCacheKey.toString());
if (cacheElement != null) {
value = cacheElement.getObjectValue();
log.debug("Value from Cache with key [" + fullCacheKey.toString() + "] is " + value);
return value;
I'm doing a deep copy in the method to prevent this error now. Might this have any unforeseen consequences? The method would only ever get from the cache so I believe there would be no repercussions
Element cacheElement = (Element) SerializationUtils.clone(cacheObject.get(fullCacheKey.toString()));