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plv8 query example with IN operator

I am having trouble executing this query

var insurers = [];  
var valid_insurer_query = plv8.execute('select * from table_name where row_id IN $1', [insurers])

It is giving syntax error

Error: syntax error at or near "$1"

It works fine if I use the query

var valid_insurer_query = plv8.execute('select * from table_name where row_id = $1', [insurer])  // here insurer is some entry from insurers.

I think it is creating trouble because psql query is unable to use javascript array as list. But I don't know how can I fix this issue ? Can anyone suggest some solution ? Can anyone share an example on how to use IN query in plv8 ?


  • I don't use plv8, but IN works with lists and lists can't be stored in parameters. What you appear to have is an array. For arrays, you use:
