I build a graph using JUNG (Java Universal Network/Graph Framework) with the following code:
g = new SparseMultigraph<BusStop, Travel>();
//add some Vertex and Edges
Layout<String, String> layout1 = new CircleLayout(g);
layout1.setSize(new Dimension(300,300)); // sets the initial size of the layout space
VisualizationViewer vv = new VisualizationViewer(layout1);
vv.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350,350)); //Sets the viewing area size
Transformer<BusStop,Paint> vertexPaint = new Transformer<BusStop,Paint>() {
public Paint transform(BusStop b) {
return Color.GREEN;
Transformer<BusStop,Shape> vertexShape = new Transformer<BusStop,Shape>() {
public Shape transform(BusStop b) {
return new Rectangle(-20, -10, 40, 20);
vv.getRenderContext().setVertexLabelTransformer(new ToStringLabeller());
GraphViewerForm = new edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.GraphZoomScrollPane(vv);
Now, I want to add more vertices and edges to the graph.. how can I do this? What instructions should I run for the graph to be redrawn? Thanks!
If you are looking for redrawing the graph after user interaction, you have to add an EditingModalGraphMouse to your VisualizationViewer
EditingModalGraphMouse gm = new EditingModalGraphMouse(vv.getRenderContext(),
vertexFactory, edgeFactory);
the constructor must be fed with vertexFactory and edgeFactory objects derived from
Factory<E> and Factory<V>
whose job is to create a new instance of edge/vertices class via the create() method
Factory <BusStop> vertexFactory = new Factory<BusStop>() {
public BusStop create() {
return new BusStop();
same for the edgeFactory