I am trying to have a link in my email template that would sort of look like this:
<a href={{url}}>click here</>
The above link has been added in de "designer" by adding a "custom" link. The value for this like I enterd as {{url}}.
I pass an url value in the dynamic_template_data, like so:
const msg = {
to: savedAdmin.email,
from: process.env.EMAIL_ADDRESS,
templateId: process.env.SENDGRID_NEW_ADMIN_TEMPLATE_ID,
personalizations: [
to: [{email: savedAdmin.email}],
dynamic_template_data: {
name: savedAdmin.first_name,
url: process.env.CMS_URL,
email: savedAdmin.email,
password: randomPassword,
However, the url gets rendered like this when I receive the mail in my inbox:
How do I get this to work?
Sendgrid is replacing your link with a intermediary redirect for click tracking. This user experienced the same issue. From the Sendgrid dashboard, go to Settings->Tracking and click the edit icon on the right for Click Tracking, and disable the feature.