I have a HashMap<String, List<Appliance>>
where the field name::String
from the object Appliance
is used as a key, and each value in the HashMap
is a list
of Appliance
objects. Each list, is sorted in ascending order, based on the field "price::BigDecimal", of the Appliance
object. I would like to create an ArrayList<Appliance>
, using the Stream API
, and prexisted HashMap
by extracting, first the first elements of each list in the HashMap
, then the second ones, etc.
So if the HashMap
has these contents:
["Fridge", [<"Fridge", 100>, <"Fridge", 200>, <"Fridge", 300>],
"Oven", [<"Oven", 150>, <"Oven", 250>, <"Oven", 350>],
"DishWasher", [<"DishWasher", 220>, <"DishWasher", 320>, <"DishWasher", 420>]]
I would like the final list to be as below:
[<"Fridge", 100>,
<"Oven", 150>,
<"DishWasher", 220>,
<"Fridge", 200>,
<"Oven", 250>,
<"DishWasher", 320>,
<"Fridge", 300>,
<"Oven", 350>,
<"DishWasher", 420>]
Is it possible to do that in a functional way using Java's 8 Stream API?
This is my code. I would like to achieve the same result in a declarative way.
while(!appliancesMap.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, List<Appliance>> entry :
appliancesMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
List<Appliance> value = entry.getValue();
if (value.size() == 0) {
.removeIf(predicate -> predicate.getKey().equals(key));
} else {
appliancesMap.replace(key, value);
map.keySet().stream().mapToInt(k -> map.get(k).size()).max().getAsInt()
to iterate with the values from 0 to maximum size obtained in step#1IntStream.range(0, map.keySet().stream().mapToInt(k -> map.get(k).size()).max().getAsInt())
) of the IntStream
as the index to get the element from the list e.g. if i = 0
, get the element at index, 0
from each list inside the map and add to result
listList<Appliance> result = new ArrayList<>();
IntStream.range(0, map.keySet().stream().mapToInt(k -> map.get(k).size()).max().getAsInt())
.forEach(i -> map
.filter(key -> i < map.get(key).size())
.forEach(k -> result.add(map.get(k).get(i))));
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;
class Appliance {
private String name;
private double price;
public Appliance(String name, double price) {
this.name = name;
this.price = price;
public String toString() {
return "Appliance [name=" + name + ", price=" + price + "]";
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Map<String, List<Appliance>> map = Map.of("Fridge",
List.of(new Appliance("Fridge", 100), new Appliance("Fridge", 200), new Appliance("Fridge", 300)),
"Oven", List.of(new Appliance("Oven", 150), new Appliance("Oven", 250), new Appliance("Oven", 350)),
"DishWasher", List.of(new Appliance("DishWasher", 220), new Appliance("DishWasher", 320),
new Appliance("DishWasher", 420)));
List<Appliance> result = new ArrayList<>();
IntStream.range(0, map.keySet().stream().mapToInt(k -> map.get(k).size()).max().getAsInt())
.forEach(i -> map
.filter(key -> i < map.get(key).size())
.forEach(k -> result.add(map.get(k).get(i))));
// Display
Appliance [name=Fridge, price=100.0]
Appliance [name=Oven, price=150.0]
Appliance [name=DishWasher, price=220.0]
Appliance [name=Fridge, price=200.0]
Appliance [name=Oven, price=250.0]
Appliance [name=DishWasher, price=320.0]
Appliance [name=Fridge, price=300.0]
Appliance [name=Oven, price=350.0]
Appliance [name=DishWasher, price=420.0]
Given below is the idiomatic code (Thanks to Holger) for the solution:
List<Appliance> result = IntStream.range(0, map.values().stream().mapToInt(List::size).max().getAsInt())
.mapToObj(i -> map.values()
.filter(list -> i < list.size())
.map(list -> list.get(i)))