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How to make a function wrapper that can wrap any function?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template<typename Func>
class FuncWrapper {
    Func func;
    std::string name;


    FuncWrapper(Func func, std::string name) : func(func), name(std::move(name)) {}

    template<typename ...Args>
    auto operator()(Args ...args) {
        std::cout << "Entering " + name + '\n';
        auto ret = func(args...);
        std::cout << "Exiting " + name + "\n\n";
        return ret;

template<typename Func>
auto makeFuncWrapper(Func func, std::string name) {
    return FuncWrapper<Func>(func, name);

int main() {

    auto helloWorld = []() { std::cout << "Hello World\n"; };
    auto addTwoNums = [](int a, int b) { std::cout << "Adding numbers...\n"; return a + b; };

    // makeFuncWrapper(helloWorld, "helloWorld")(); // error: 'void ret' has incomplete type.
    std::cout << makeFuncWrapper(addTwoNums, "addTwoNums")(4, 5) << '\n';


This class FuncWrapper works fine and adds an additional functionality to the passed function, until the passed function is a function that returns void. I get an error that the type of ret is incomplete. Is there any other way to make it work even with functions with return type of void? I know that I can't have a void variable, but here, the only purpose of ret is to be returned after the function is done and it's not gonna be used in a wrong way. Is there a solution or some workaround to make it work? Any better way of implementing a function wrapper that wraps any function?


  • You might use Raii:

    template<typename ...Args>
    auto operator()(Args ...args) {
        struct EndScope {
            std::string& name;
            ~EndScope() { std::cout << "Exiting " + name + "\n\n"; }
        } endScope(name);
        std::cout << "Entering " + name + '\n';
        return func(args...);

    You might go further to handle exception with std::uncaught_exceptions

    See raii-way-to-get-errors-that-are-caught-during-destruction