Have an array
const arr = [1, 'abc', [], ['John'], {}, {name: 'Smith'}, null, 0];
How to get new array without empty values? (empty array and empty object are also reckoned as empty values).
My variant seems to be a bit of hardcoded:
const newArr = arr.filter(elem =>
(elem && Object.keys(elem).length !== 0)
|| (typeof(elem) == 'number' && elem !== 0));
If is it possible to write less or simplier conditions?
For the falsy values, empty object and array you have to use this part:
elem && Object.keys(elem).length !== 0
But you can minimise it like:
elem && Object.keys(elem).length
as any value for length
> 0 will return as truthy.
Also, you can minimise the number logic like:
arr.filter(elem => Number(elem));
So, the final version will be like:
const arr = [1, 'abc', [], ['John'], {}, {name: 'Smith'}, null, 0];
const newArr = arr.filter(a => (a && Object.keys(a).length) || Number(a));