When using a large sampling rate, no data could be measured (displayed yes but not plotted/stored) and I get the following error from the log file:
ControlDesk NG Platform: Error 16:19:41 0,0:No free memory available.[0.000] (0xCA,1)
dSPACE used - RT1104
ControlDesk version - 5.5
Operating System details:
It is indeed coming from the Real-TimePlatform. The memory depends on the number of measured signals, the raster speed and the dureation trigger length in the ControlDesk measurment configuration. On the hardware, a buffer is created to be able to hold one entire trigger shot, which may fail if it does not fit to the RAM. Often a long trigger duration is used causing this problem. Then, the soultion is to measure continuously, which the user most of the time wants instead. See http://www.dspace.com/faq?408
15kHz is quite fast for the ds1104, by the way, try with litte # of measurements if it works.
Regards, the dspace support :) (I answered just because i found this question randomly, please contact [email protected] (or your local dSPACE company) if you need us!