I have this [excel] file:
I The customers every day are different (because they may paid some of documents)...and the rows with data for every of them.
Can I create from this .xls file for every customer new excel (or word) file with the rows with doc.#, paid..? I need some help because I have to create [letters] every day for the clients (they are more than 500) or some other idea how to make the task more fast?
Thank You : )
P.S. I'm not programmer [excel-vba][word] [excel-formula]
If you have a fixed format. I strongly recommend using "Power query" ( if you want it to look more professional use "PowerBI"). You can link the customer files to your main file. You can update your tables with one click.
Useful links:
for unchangeable customer filter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MlDYKPxznQ
for changeable customer filter https://exceleratorbi.com.au/pass-excel-parameter-power-query/
Don't panic, you don't have to know software to use it.