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How to populate my class object with linq to EF?

my class,

  public class User
        public string Username
        public string Password
        public string [] Roles

my query is,

var innerJoinQuery =
                            (from u
                            in db.Users
                            join ur in db.UserRoles
                                on u.UserID equals ur.UserID
                            join r in db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.RoleID
                            select new {
                                RoleName = r.RoleName 

data it is getting in above query is like,

username   password  RoleName
john        123       user
john        123       admin
john        123       super user
David       12345     super user
petter      123456    user

I want to get this data in my userclass object using Linq,

it should be like,

username   password  RoleName
john        123       { "user", "admin", "super user" }
David       12345     { "super user" }
petter      123456    { "user"}

I already tried many examples from net i did not get my answer.

hopes for your solution.


  • You can try with the following which uses a sub-query to select all of the role names:

    var innerJoinQuery = (
        from u in db.Users
        select new User
            Username = u.Username,
            Password = u.Password,
            Roles = (from ur in db.UserRoles
                     join r in db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.RoleID
                     where ur.UserID == u.UserID
                     select r.RoleName).ToArray()

    Alternatively, you can use

    var innerJoinQuery = (
        from u in db.Users
        join ur in db.UserRoles on u.UserID equals ur.UserID 
        join r in db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.RoleID
        group r by u into g
        select new User
            Username = g.Key.Username,
            Password = g.Key.Password,
            Roles = g.Select(c => c.RoleName).ToArray()

    Assuming your ORM supports this, it may generate a better query versus aggregating the keys and then sub-selecting from the aggregated groups.

    If the ORM cannot translate ToArray/ToList (which Linq-To-SQL can't), you can either

    1. change the type of User.Roles to be IEnumerable<string> instead of string[] and then remove the ToArray calls above, or
    2. select into an anonymous type first, materialize the query (ToList) and then re-project the results into your User type

    #2 looks like the following:

    var innerJoinQuery = (
        from u in db.Users
        select new
            Roles = (from ur in db.UserRoles
                     join r in db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.RoleID
                     where ur.UserID == u.UserID
                     select r.RoleName)
    var users = innerJoinQuery.Select(c => new User { 
         UserName = c.UserName, 
         Password = c.Password,
         Roles = c.Roles.ToArray() 

    Or with the variant:

    var innerJoinQuery= (
        from u in db.Users
        join ur in db.UserRoles on u.UserID equals ur.UserID 
        join r in db.Roles on ur.RoleID equals r.RoleID
        group r by u into g
        select new
            Roles = g.Select(c => c.RoleName)
    var users = innerJoinQuery.Select(c => new User { 
         UserName = c.UserName, 
         Password = c.Password,
         Roles = c.Roles.ToArray() 

    Note that all of these solutions have the upside that they perform the grouping and/or sub-querying at the database, whereas the other answer does it in-memory