Is there a way for a query to output unsorted? By default, it sorts the data.
I tried adding a helper column that adds the row number to the query input, but then it is not part of "select" like this:
=QUERY({Data!A1:C24,ArrayFormula(if(Data!A1:A24<>"",row(Data!A1:A24),""))},"Select Col1, Sum(Col2) group by Col1 pivot Col3 order by Col4")
Here is a sample sheet:
The desired output is that the query should show the points sum first for Apple, Orange, Banana etc.
Another way:
=sort(QUERY(Data!A1:C24,"Select A, Sum(B) group by A pivot C ",1),
match(query(A1:A24,"select min(A) group by A label min(A) 'Name'",1),A1:A24,0),1)
Or a bit shorter:
=sort(QUERY(Data!A1:C24,"Select A, Sum(B) group by A pivot C ",1),