I have my features organized in subfolders, like this:
But everytime I save a feature, Guard runs all my features (not just the one that was edited). How can I change it to only run the one that was saved?
Here's my Guardfile for Cucumber:
guard 'cucumber', :cli => "--drb --require features/support --require features/step_definitions" do
watch(%r{features/support/.+}) { 'features' }
watch(%r{features/step_definitions/(.+)_steps\.rb}) { |m| Dir[File.join("**/#{m[1]}.feature")][0] || 'features' }
Aph, the answer was right there in the documentation:
It's very important that you understand how Cucumber gets configured, because it's often the origin of strange behavior of guard-cucumber.
Cucumber uses cucumber.yml for defining profiles of specific run configurations. When you pass configurations through the :cli option but don't include a specific profile with --profile, then the configurations from the default profile are also used.
For example, when you're using the default cucumber.yml generated by cucumber-rails, then the default profile forces guard-cucumber to always run all features, because it appends the features folder.
Configure Cucumber solely from Guard
If you want to configure Cucumber from Guard solely, then you should pass --no-profile to the :cli option.
So, passing in --no-profile
for the :cli
option works now, and I'm getting normal behavior.
Shame on me for not reading the docs!