When formatting the same file with the clang-format command line tool twice, changes are made both times.
My understanding is that once formatted, attempting to re-format the same file should not yield any changes.
Here's the test I ran:
Input file
$ cat test.c
//********************************************** AAAAAAA BBBB***************************************************//
$ clang-format -i test.c
$ cat test.c
//********************************************** AAAAAAA
)**$ clang-format -i test.c
$ cat test.c
//********************************************** AAAAAAA
// BBBB***************************************************//
The version I'm using is: 10.0.0-++20200323042644+d32170dbd5b-1~exp1~20200323154014.129
on Ubuntu 18.04.2
(note that I managed to reproduce this behavior in clang-format-9
as well)
Is this a bug I ran into, or is my initial assumption incorrect?
Edit: Reproducible in 10.0.1-++20200507062652+bab8d1790a3-1~exp1~20200507163249.158
as well
I can reproduce this lack of idempotency. There are three things you can do here: Use a different style, use fewer rules, or file it as a bug.
The styles that come with clang-format
10.0.0 are listed in --help
--style=<string> - Coding style, currently supports:
LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit.
Where LLVM is the default. To specify a style, use clang-format --style=<style> ...
. Every style but Webkit reproduces this error (but webkit style makes no changes to the initial file):
$ clang-format --style=webkit test.c > test2.c
$ clang-format --style=webkit test2.c > test3.c
$ diff test2.c test3.c
Your mileage may vary as you've said that this is one of many idempotency issues you've encountered.
Each style consists of rules that you can modify to suit your needs. You can dump the current config (default llvm
) with clang-format --dump-config
$ clang-format --dump-config | tee .clang-format
Language: Cpp
# BasedOnStyle: LLVM
AccessModifierOffset: -2
AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
AlignConsecutiveMacros: false
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: false
<output truncated>
You can manually choose a smaller subset of these rules to use, or eliminate rules until you achieve idempotency.
If you put this .clang-format
file in the root directory of your project with your modifications, you can then tell clang-format
to look for it with --style=file
. Note that you can put a .clang-format
file in a subdirectory if you want different formatting rules applied in that directory.
One of the key components of your question is whether clang-format treats a lack of idempotency as a bug. This is the case, based on reviews where this issue has been treated as a bug 0, 1.
I can replicate this on 10.0.0 on Macos. You have all of the information you need to file it as a bug per the intro in the bug report docs. Obviously, this option requires you to wait until a fix is available.