I would like to assign the result of an async IIFE function to an object property.
Something like:
const myObj = {
dep: (async () => { await import('./myDep'); return myDep;})(),
But instead of getting the value I get the promise.
Currently I have to use this which is ugly:
let myObj = {};
(async () => {
await import('./myDep');
return myDep;
})().then((myDep) => {
myObj = {
dep: myDep
With top level async, which still is in ECMAScript proposal state I believe this would be simply:
const myObj = {
dep: await import('./myDep'),
Thanks to @JonasWilms
In the end I did this:
const myObj = {};
import("./myDep").then(m => myObj.myattrib = m.namedexport);
This works as expected and I have the myObj
with the myattrib
attribute as the named export of myDep