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How to trigger different functions on hash change based on hash value with jQuery?

I'm using Ben Alman's jQuery hashChange event plugin. the hash part looks like this:


I already have functions that parse it getHashPart(key) and setHashPart(key).

I would like to have a function that would allow to register with the change of only a specific part of the hash. I would use it as such (I guess...):

$(window).hashchange('x',function(new_value_of_x) {do something x related;});
$(window).hashchange('y',function(new_value_of_y) {do something y related;});

How would I register such a function with jQuery? anything similar exists?



  • You can have a function that responds to all hashchange events (preferably keeping the hashchange plugin in use), then redirect to individual handlers like this:

    var hashParameters = {};
    $(window).bind("hashchange",function(event) {
    //if you're using the awesome hashchange plugin
    //$(window).hashchange(function(event) { ...
        var newParameters = getParameters(;
        $.each(newParameters, function(key, value) {
           if(hashParameters[key] !== value) $(window).trigger(key + "-change");
           hashParameters[key] = value;
    $(window).bind("andsome-change", function() {
    function getParameters(paramString) {
        //taken from
        var params = {};
        var e, a = /\+/g, r = /([^&;=]+)=?([^&;]*)/g,
            d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " ")); };
        while (e = r.exec(paramString))
           params[d(e[1])] = d(e[2]);
        return params;
    window.location.hash = "some=value&andsome=othervalue";

    I have a working demo here (now with hashchange plugin, see first comment).