In the following minimal example useFoos(a)
is totally fine, but useFoos(b)
gives a compiler error.
interface FooInterface
fun useFoos(foos: Array<FooInterface>) {}
enum class FooEnum : FooInterface
fun main() {
val a = FooEnum.values()
useFoos(a as Array<FooInterface>)
val b = FooEnum.values()
useFoos(b) // Error: Type mismatch: inferred type is Array<FooEnum> but Array<FooInterface> was expected
useFoos(b as Array<FooInterface>)
And idea why this is? And if it's not a compiler bug, but intended behavior instead, could somebody point me to the place where this behavior is specified/explained?
As explained by @IR42 in a comment, it's because of smart casts.
Using the out
keyword helps to make it work without casting.
Corrected code:
interface FooInterface
fun useFoos(foos: Array<out FooInterface>) {}
enum class FooEnum : FooInterface
fun main() {
val a = FooEnum.values()
useFoos(a as Array<FooInterface>)
val b = FooEnum.values()
useFoos(b as Array<FooInterface>)