I am interested in implementing the held-karp algorithm based on a C implementation found here: https://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~bico/papers/comp_chapterDP.pdf in javascript. However, this implementation uses only a single starting position. I have tried numerous methods for moving through all starting positions (all nodes in the graph), however, because the implementation uses a bitmask as the set of visited nodes, starting positions 1 and 0 will not change through each call of the function solve because 0 & anynumber
will always be 0.
function tsp_hk(dist){
let n = dist.length;
let opt = []; //array [endPoint][set] representing the optimum paths
//Initialize array values
for(let i = 0; i < n; i++){
opt[i] = [];
opt[i][1 << (i)] = dist[i][n-1];
function solve(set, end){
if(opt[end][set] === undefined){
let R = set & ~(1 << end);
let minv = 99999;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++){
if(!(R & (1 << i))) continue;
let s = solve(R, i);
let v = s + dist[i][end];
if(v < minv) minv = v;
opt[end][set] = minv;
return opt[end][set];
let bestlen = 99999;
let N = (1 << (n-1))-1;
for(let t = 0; t < n-1; t++){
let s = solve(N,t);
let len = s + dist[t][n-1];
if(len < bestlen) bestlen = len;
return bestlen;
If the first node is node 0 and you want node 2 as your start node, then just interchange row 0 and row 2, and column 0 and column 2. Modify the adjacency matrix instead of modifying the algorithm.