What would be a good way to trim more than two trailing zeros for a BigDecimal
So 1.2200 would print 1.22 and 1.0000 would print 1.00
Edit As well as to return 1.222200 as 1.2222 and 1.220000001 as 1.220000001 etc. So disregarding first two zeros I want to trim any incoming 0s and not trim non-zero values
One way could be to multiply, then apply the built in trim trailing zeros and then divide by 100. It could be problematic with corner cases but the values in my problem are currency based and would never exceed the bounds set by Java (or else it means my software is dealing with bids which are in gazzilions of dollars)
The ugly solution is as folows
System.out.println(((new BigDecimal("1.230223000")
.multiply(new BigDecimal("100.0"))
.stripTrailingZeros()).divide(new BigDecimal("100.0"))));
Check this,
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
public class DecimalFormatExample
public static void main(String args[])
double amount = 2192.015;
NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0.00");
System.out.println("The Decimal Value is:"+formatter.format(amount));