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trying to make a rock paper scissors game in java script

when I run in it this error appears [Uncaught TypeError: rpsdatabase is not a function]

the output should be something like [0,1] which means human choose rock and bot choose paper I left the error line between two empty to find it easily

function rpsGame(yourChoice){
    var humanChoice, botChoice;
    humanChoice =;
    botChoice = numbertochoice(randombot());
    console.log('computer choice: ', botChoice)
    results = Winner(humanChoice, botChoice)

    //messege = finaleMessege(results);
    //rpsfrontend(, botChoice, messege);

function randombot() {        
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)

function numbertochoice(number){
    return ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'][number]

function Winner(humanChoice, botChoice){
    var rpsdatabase = {        
        'rock': {'scissors': 1, 'paper': 0,'rock': 0.5 },
        'paper': {'rock': 1, 'scissors':0, 'paper': 0.5},
        'scissors': {'paper': 1, 'rock':0, 'scissors': 0.5},

    var yourScore = rpsdatabase(humanChoice)(botChoice);
    var botScore = rpsdatabase(humanChoice)(yourChoice);

    return (yourScore, botScore);


  • Don't use parentheses to access an object. Do it like this

    var yourScore = rpsdatabase[humanChoice][botChoice];
    var botScore = rpsdatabase[humanChoice][yourChoice];