I have this function that generates dynamic components based on an API
const renderWork = () =>{
let DOM = []
.then(res => res.json())
.then(res => {
for (let i = 0; i < res.length; i++){
<Item id={res[i]._id}>
<Item.Image src={res[i].imageURL} />
<Item.Header as='a'>Watchmen</Item.Header>
<span className='cinema'>{res[i].createdDate}</span>
<Button primary floated='right'>
Buy tickets
<Icon name='right chevron' />
return DOM
I am trying to render those items by calling the renderWork() function in the main component
The main Componenet:
function Work(){
return (
<div style={css.body}>
<Item.Group divided>
I am not sure why doesn't it render on the page I tried:
Making the DOM a state and change it.
using the useEffect hook to manage the state and/or the DOM
still, the items won't render
I am using react.semantic-UI for my components
I would keep api and component rendering separate.
const renderWork = () => {
return fetch('/api/work/')
.then(res => res.json())
function WorkItem({item}) {
return <Item id={item._id}>
<Item.Image src={item.imageURL} />
<Item.Header as='a'>Watchmen</Item.Header>
<span className='cinema'>{item.createdDate}</span>
<Button primary floated='right'>
Buy tickets
<Icon name='right chevron' />
function Work() {
const [items, setItems] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
.then(data => {
}, [])
return (
<div style={css.body}>
<Item.Group divided>
{items.map(item => <WorkItem item={item}/>}