I am trying to integrate IBM Urban Code Deploy in my Jenkins pipeline. Earlier I have integrated UCD using freestyle job using IBM UrbanCode Deploy Plugin. Now When I am trying to do the same using pipeline script, it is giving error. Unable to find many resources on the internet. Here is my Deploy stage.
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
UCDeployPublisher (
siteName: 'udeploy-server',
component: [
componentName: 'DemoApp-APP',
delivery: [
pushVersion: '${BUILD_NUMBER}',
baseDir: '${WORKSPACE}',
fileIncludePatterns: '**/*',
fileExcludePatterns: '',
pushDescription: 'Pushed from Jenkins',
pushIncremental: false
deploy: [
deployApp: 'DemoApp',
deployEnv: 'Test 1',
deployProc: 'DemoApp Process'
I am getting the following error.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'UCDeployPublisher' found among steps
is a class, not a step. According to the docs you can use it with general step
stage('Deploy') {
steps {
step([$class: 'UCDeployPublisher',
siteName: 'udeploy-server',
// ... and so on