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Swift JSONDecoder accepting different JSON keys

I have been struggling to develop a code to decode multiple different JSON strings into a combined data structure (struct).

As you can see in the code below, the two JSON strings correctInput and faultyInput, contain the same values but the key has a different name. Is there a way to decode such different strings (2 or more) into a common Codable struct?

Thank you!

import Foundation

struct Fruit: Codable, Equatable {
    var apple: String
    var banana: String
    var pineapple: String

let correctInput = """
    "apple": "Akane",
    "banana": "Bria",
    "pineapple": "Sarawak"
""".data(using: .utf8)!

let faultyInput = """
    "appl": "Akane",
    "nana": "Bria",
    "pine": "Sarawak"
""".data(using: .utf8)!

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let correctFruit = try? decoder.decode(Fruit.self, from: correctInput)
let faultyFruit = try? decoder.decode(Fruit.self, from: faultyInput)



  • Here is a solution where we have a separate struct for the faulty data with a built in mapping function

    struct FaultyFruit: Codable, Equatable {
        var appl: String
        var nana: String
        var pine: String
        func asFruit() -> Fruit {
            Fruit(apple: appl, banana: nana, pineapple: pine)

    And then we decode like this

    var fruit: Fruit?
    do {
        fruit = try? decoder.decode(Fruit.self, from: faultyInput)
        if fruit == nil {
            let faultyFruit = try decoder.decode(FaultyFruit.self, from: faultyInput)
            fruit = faultyFruit.asFruit()
    } catch {

    And here is a solution where a custom init(from:) is used and different keys/property names are tried.

    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
        let values = try container.decode([String: String].self)
        apple = values["apple"] ?? values["appl"] ?? values["a"] ?? ""
        banana = values["banana"] ?? values["nana"] ?? ""
        pineapple = values["pineapple"] ?? values["pine"] ?? ""

    Quietly assigning "" to a property might not be the correct way so you could add a check for nil and throw an error if no value could be parsed for a property.