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How to use moment.js to get remaining hours, minutes, and seconds from a unix timestamp?

Given a unix timstamp in the future, how can I use Moment.js to get the hours, minutes, and seconds remaining until then?

For example:

now  = 1589252712837
time = 1589356202907

// This is the line I do not know
res = moment(time - now)

// 23 hours, 12 minutes, 3 seconds


I believe I can do something like this, but is there a native way to do it?:

now  = 1589252712837
time = 1589356202907
remaining = time - now

hour = moment(remaining).hour()
minute = moment(remaining).minute()
second = moment(remaining).second()

console.log(`${hour} hours, `${minute} minutes, ${seconds} seconds`)
// 23 hours, 12 minutes, 3 seconds


  • Note that the example code you have is being time offset: remaining/1000/60/60~=28, not 23. You need to use moment.utc. I don't recommend doing that though, because you'll encounter other problems like dealing with days and months.

    As far as "native" support, see long discussion here:
    TL;DR: Discussed from 2012 until now. And, in the docs they point at the moment-duration-format plugin. Look at this plugin if you want something close to "native" support:

    Honestly after looking at the situation, if it were me I'd probably just use moment-duration-format, or just use humanize(). Maybe roll my own similar to how duration._data is generated + Intl.NumberFormat, which is what I'm guessing moment-duration-format is basically already doing.

    I'm going to list some possible methods as far as I can see:

    now  = 1589252712837
    time = 1589356202907
    remaining = time - now
    // extract key(units),value from parsed ._data property of duration
    // no additional dependencies but depends on internal private variable _data
      .flatMap(([unit,value])=>value!==0?`${value} ${unit}`:[]).join(' ')
    // using moment-duration-format plugin
    console.log(moment.duration(remaining,'milliseconds').format('h [hours] m [minutes] s [seconds]'))
    // twitter style humanize
    // hours threshhold is Infinity; never round up to higher units than hours
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- moment-duration-format plugin -->
    <script src=""></script>