I am new to Grapesjs, and i find the intro in Grapesjs doc website:
so if we have code like this:
editor.BlockManager.add('test-block', {
label: 'Test block',
attributes: {class: 'fa fa-text'},
content: {
script: "alert('Hi'); console.log('the element', this)",
// Add some style just to make the component visible
style: {
width: '100px',
height: '100px',
'background-color': 'red',
On the doc website it says:
If you check now the generated HTML coded by the editor (via Export button or editor.getHtml()), you might see something like this:
<div id="c764"></div>
var items = document.querySelectorAll('#c764');
for (var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++) {
// START component code
console.log('the element', this)
// END component code
It looks like all the stuff defined in script tag will be executed after the component mount, on the other way, considering Grapesjs provide view.init()
and view.onRender()
such life cycle methods, I was thinking we can probably achieve exactly the same effect using such life cycle methods.
So my question would be: what's difference between the script
and component own life cycle methods?
BTW, I use React before, and i did most state initialization and data fetching in componentDidMount()
such life cycle, so i personally could not get what could be the scenario for script
in Grapesjs(Especially when i comparing those two libs.)?
As you should know Grapes uses backbone.js, which is pretty different to react.
Now, talking about how it works for grapesjs.
Lifecycle hooks will allow you to interact with model and editor instance during website building process.
Script will contain javascript your component needs to be useful in and outside the editor (Obviously, having limited (read-only) access to model properties).
Here you can see a very basic, and probably dummy example of both cases.
const editor = grapesjs.init({
height: "100%",
container: "#gjs",
showOffsets: true,
fromElement: true,
noticeOnUnload: false,
storageManager: false,
canvas: {
styles: [
editor.DomComponents.addType("MagicBox", {
model: {
defaults: {
tagName: "div",
attributes: {
alert: ""
traits: ["alert"]
init() {
this.listenTo(this, "change:attributes:alert", this.handleChange);
handleChange(a) {
const blockManager = editor.BlockManager;
blockManager.add("magic-box", {
label: "MagicBox",
content: {
type: "MagicBox",
tagName: "div",
style: {
width: "100px",
height: "100px",
background: "blue"
script: 'this.className+="animate__animated animate__bounce"'
category: "Basic",
attributes: {
title: "Magic Box"