I have 2 models Player
and Event
. A player has_many events. I have an ecto query that gets the top scorers as follows:
from(p in Player,
join: s in assoc(p, :events),
group_by: [p.id],
select: %{total_goals: count(s.id), player: p},
where: s.type == "goal_scored",
where: p.team_id == ^team_id,
order_by: [desc: count(s.id)],
limit: 10
|> Repo.all()
This works fine, but in my Event
model I have a handy function to only query events of type goal_scored
def goals(query) do
from(e in query, where: e.type == "goal_scored")
Is there any way I can use this query function in my query containing the join?
is your friend here. It’s impossible directly with the full query in Event
, but you might split it that way:
def goal_scored_condition do
dynamic([e], e.type == "goal_scored")
def goals(query) do
conditions = goal_scored_condition()
from(e in query, where: ^conditions)
and in Player
conditions = Event.goal_scored_condition()
from(p in Player,
where: ^conditions,
In some cases, Ecto.Query.subquery/2
might be helpful as well.