I've been struggling for a couple of days now how to get this to work. I have a set of data that I get in a CSV format, that I will copy past in a Google Sheets workbook.
On sheet 1 I have the following (example) data:
Hours Expertise Responsible Rate Total 4 Cleaning Bob 11 44 2 Cleaning Barb 15 30 3 Woodwork Xander 19 57 1,5 Electricity Bob 22 33
There are only 3 responsible people in this example, and I now need to create a sheet per person, showing only their data, but in the same way as it is in the combined sheet.
So what I would like to end up with (for this example) are 3 sheets:
Sheet Bob
Hours Expertise Responsible Rate Total 4 Cleaning Bob 11 44 1,5 Electricity Bob 22 33
Sheet Barb
Hours Expertise Responsible Rate Total 2 Cleaning Barb 15 30
Sheet Xander
Hours Expertise Responsible Rate Total 3 Woodwork Xander 19 57
But to be honest, I'm kinda lost right now. I couldn't get this to work with pivot table or any of the other things I could find with google. I also tried using Vlookup, but then I end up with empty lines in between.
=QUERY({'sheet 1'!A:E}, "where Col3 = 'Bob'", 1)
=QUERY({'sheet 1'!A:E}, "where Col3 = 'Barb'", 1)
=QUERY({'sheet 1'!A:E}, "where Col3 = 'Xander'", 1)