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Map Varchar column type to Integer in entity jpa

I have legacy table in which one of its column's type is varchar but there is all numbers in it. I don't want to change datatype in table. I want to change the column data type in entity.

Before it was string now i changed it to Integer and crud operations are working fine. Is this fine doing or there is some other way of doing it? Sample code:


public class TestEntity{
    @Column(name = "Test")
    private String test;


public class TestEntity{
    @Column(name = "Test")
    private Integer test;


  • Create an AttributeConverter which will be use for Database to entity type converstion

    public class IntegerToStringConverter implements AttributeConverter < Integer,
     String > {
      public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Integer value) {
       return Integer.toString(number);
      public Integer convertToEntityAttribute(String number) {
       try {
        return Integer.parseInt(number);
       } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid number: " + value);

    And use it on your column

    @Convert(converter = IntegerToStringConverter.class)
    @Column(name = "Test")
    private Integer Test;