I am exploring Pechkin to convert webpage to PDF. I have used article: http://ourcodeworld.com/articles/read/366/how-to-generate-a-pdf-from-html-using-wkhtmltopdf-with-c-in-winforms
Ref: How to use wkhtmltopdf.exe in ASP.net
When i try to convert using html string, it works !
byte[] pdfContent = new SimplePechkin(new GlobalConfig()).Convert("<html><body><h1>Hello world!</h1></body></html>");
However when I follow "Generate PDF from a Website" section, I get empty pdf.
Has anyone encountered same issue? Appreciate all help/suggestions.
Try to use
var document = new HtmlToPdfDocument
GlobalSettings =
ProduceOutline = true,
DocumentTitle = "Pretty Websites",
PaperSize = PaperKind.A4, // Implicit conversion to PechkinPaperSize
Margins =
All = 1.375,
Unit = Unit.Centimeters
Objects = {
new ObjectSettings { HtmlText = "<h1>Pretty Websites</h1><p>This might take a bit to convert!</p>" },
new ObjectSettings { PageUrl = "www.google.com" },
new ObjectSettings { PageUrl = "www.microsoft.com" },
new ObjectSettings { PageUrl = "www.github.com" }
var tempFolderDeployment = new TempFolderDeployment();
var win32EmbeddedDeployment = new Win32EmbeddedDeployment(tempFolderDeployment);
var remotingToolset = new RemotingToolset<PdfToolset>(win32EmbeddedDeployment);
var converter = ThreadSafeConverter(remotingToolset);
byte[] pdfBuf = converter.Convert(document);
// Very important - overwise cpu will grow !!!
If someone else use this- please read my post here- very important!
If you get errors use this link that help me-
TuesPechkin unable to load DLL 'wkhtmltox.dll'
Found it thanks to-