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Visual Studio deletes a shared .pch file, and questions about custom build steps

I try to use a shared .pch file, which is compiled in one project and used in others.

However the .pch file is deleted if a .pdb filename of the PCH project differs from .pdb filenames of the other projects.

This page doesn't answer the question:

I don't want to use a same name for all PDBs.


1) Why the .pch file is deleted at the start of other projects compilation, which leads to a C1083 error (.pch not found), if PDB names are not equal, not like in that page?

2) I copy pch.pdb and pch.idb files using COPY command, is there a RENAME comand or something, if the copied pch.pdb should be named just like a dependent project's PDB? And where can I find a complete list of Custom Build Step command?

3) I don't understand the purpose of "Additional dependencies" and "Outputs" in Custom Build Step. Can I enter the .pch filename into the dependency list, so it won't be deleted? Does the output list need to contain the dependent project's PDB name, or the pch.pdb, or both?


  • For some reason (I did this or not) the generated by compiler .pdb file was not $(PlatformToolsetVersion).pdb, but $(ProjectName).pdb . So the copied into other project folders shared .pdb file was pch.pdb in my case, while other projects were expecting different names. And that was triggering a DELETE task in Microsoft.CppCommon.targets , ("Delete the pch file if the pdb file has been deleted."). Instead of changing the output .pdb name I just looked into XCOPY command and made it to change the copied filename to an expected by a specific project (actually then I just added a custom Target with a renaming Copy task right into the project file instead of using the CustomBuildStep calling a xcopy OS's command, as now I learned more about MSBuild).

    Then I also changed the generated by Linker output .pdb, just added "Linked" suffix to the name, so there are no conflicts between Compiler's and Linker's PDBs. Not sure if that is a good idea to change the default settings without a big reason.

    I guess it's better just to change the Compiler's output PDB to $(PlatformToolsetVersion).pdb , so all projects will use the same name.

    That was the first time I had looked into MSBuild and advanced project settings, now it seems to be obvious, that a project using a shared .pdb wants some familiar .pdb name, not a random pch.pdb

    Here is my custom Target imported into project files copying the shared .pdb only if it was rebuilt (.idb is not generated in my case):

    <Target Name="CopyFreshPchPdb" BeforeTargets="ClCompile" 
        <Message  Importance="High" Text="Copying shared pch.pdb" />