I currently learn unity3d and start to create an endless game, and I want to add score by a distance that player has traveled on + x axis, so I want to calculate only how far the player traveled on + x axis.. how to calculate it?
this is my scripts
public class Score : MonoBehaviour
public float distance;
public Transform player;
private float score = 0f;
public Text scoreText;
void Awake()
distance = Vector3.Distance(player.position, transform.position);
void Update()
if (distance > player.transform.position.x)
score = distance ++;
scoreText.text = distance.ToString();
You can have something like this to get you started. I set it to 0.1 distance to get +1 score but that number can be anything of course.
private const float DISTANCE_REQUIRED_FOR_1_POINT = 0.1f;
private Vector3 previousPlayerPosition;
private float distanceSinceLastScore;
public Transform player;
private float score = 0f;
public Text scoreText;
void Awake()
//At the start save the start position.
previousPlayerPosition = player.position;
void Update()
//Calculate the distance travvelled since last update.
distanceSinceLastScore += player.position.x - previousPlayerPosition.x;
//Set the previous position the current.
previousPlayerPosition = player.position;
int scoreToAdd = 0;
while (distanceSinceLastScore > DISTANCE_REQUIRED_FOR_1_POINT)
//Calculate how many points to add in this update. (Likely always 1 or none)
distanceSinceLastScore -= DISTANCE_REQUIRED_FOR_1_POINT;
if (scoreToAdd > 0)
score += scoreToAdd;//Add to the total score.
scoreText.text = score.ToString();//refresh the text display.