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Android in app purchase: BillingClient: getPurchase() failed. Response code: 3

I'm implementing Android in app purchases, with BillingClient api.

I successfully set up billing client, like this:

   billingClient = BillingClient.newBuilder(this)

And I implement the code I want to make the in app purchase, which in my case is a subscription.

My issue is as follows, I need to check (periodicly) if the user still has an active subscription, or if they canceled it. From what I read, I can do a call of the method, queryPurchases(PRODUCT_ID). I am doing this as follows:

 override fun onBillingSetupFinished(billingResult: BillingResult?) {
            if (billingResult != null) {

                if (billingResult.responseCode == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK){

                    // The BillingClient is ready. You can query purchases here.

                    Log.d(TAG_PURCHASES_ACTIVITY, "BillingClient ready and connected")



                    Log.d(TAG_PURCHASES_ACTIVITY, "BillingClient ERROR: ${billingResult.responseCode}")


However, I get this message in the console:

W/BillingClient: getPurchase() failed. Response code: 3

Now after researching, many have said that this is coming from old phones, with older versions of google play services. But I am using new phone (Pixel 3a), which is up to date. This phone also has the google account registered in the google play console for testing.

Why I am getting this message?

Also, is this really the correct way to check if the subscription is still active?

I've tried for ages to find this solution, thanks for any help!


  • I was making a mistake, passing the product id as a parameter to the query request. This is what I needed to do:

    var list = billingClient.queryPurchases(SkuType.SUBS)