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how to make Jq script on Pardot shorten and more efficient

I wrote this code to make a dropdown menu set a class value on selection in order to know what I selected to make it red when a selection is required.

The thing is that it is Pardot and I can't change the HTML. this is what I have a (the class was set by me)

p.Environment select option 

The class changes for each dropdown The value is a number set by Pardot

any chance I can make this code just one function to work for all 3 dropdown but recognizing the dropdown I click?

// ---------Environment Dropdown Error-----------
(function() {
var selectedOption = 'option815221';
var drop = '.Environment';
$(drop+' select').change(function(){
    selectedOption = "option"+$(this).val();
// ---------Country Dropdown Error-----------
(function() {
var selectedOption = 'option815237';
var drop = '.country';
$(drop+' select').change(function(){
    selectedOption = "option"+$(this).val();
// ---------State Dropdown Error-----------
(function() {
var selectedOption = 'option824913';
var drop = '.state';
$(drop+' select').change(function(){
    selectedOption = "option"+$(this).val();


  • Something like this oughta do the trick.

    var optionsAndDrops = [
      ["option815221", ".Environment"],
      ["option815237", ".country"],
      ["option824913", ".state"],
    optionsAndDrops.forEach(([selectedOption, drop]) => {
      $(drop + " select").change(function() {
          .addClass("option" + $(this).val());
        selectedOption = "option" + $(this).val();

    EDIT: Or, more clearly perhaps, wrapping the logic in a real named function and just calling it thrice:

    function setupDropdown(drop, selectedOption) {
      $(drop + " select").change(function() {
          .addClass("option" + $(this).val());
        selectedOption = "option" + $(this).val();
    setupDropdown(".Environment", "option815221");
    setupDropdown(".country", "option815237");
    setupDropdown(".state", "option824913");