i am trying to implement RSA for a project and I am stuck at the phase where I need numbers larger than 19 digits( long long i think has 19 digits). I've tried giving unsigned long long but i still don't have 1 digit and the value is incorrect. I can't even check if my encryption/decryption works.
I've tried some libraries but i can't do crossover operations with that type and int... any help?
Here is what i have:
void En() {
crypted= text;
unsigned long long temp=0;
unsigned long long enc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length() / 2; i++)
if (text[i]>='a' && text[i] <= 'z')
temp = (text[i] - 96) * 26 + text[i + 1] - 96;
enc = pow(temp, public_key);
enc= enc % N
cout << enc << endl;
enc_v2 = enc;
cout << "Enc: " << enc << endl;}
void De() {
unsigned long long c = 0;
unsigned long long temp2 = 0;
unsigned long long temp = 0;
char ch=' ', ch2=' ';
for (int i = 0; i < text.length()/2; i++)
cout << enc_v2 << private_key;
temp = pow(enc_v2, private_key);
cout << "Temp :" << temp;
temp = temp % N;
cout << "Temp modulo :" << temp;
temp2 = temp;
temp = temp / 26;
cout << " Temp char 1 :"<< temp;
ch = temp + 96;
temp2 = temp2 - temp * 26;
cout << " Temp char 1 :" << temp2;
ch2 = temp2 + 96;
cout << "Text: " << ch << ch2;}
Thank you!
For larger numbers you need modular exponentiation within a single function. This means that you perform the modulus while you are doing the calculation. Of course doing the operation afterwards can be done, however:
As an (inefficient) example, you can see exponentiation as performing multiplication with the base, then taking the modulus and repeating the process until you have performed e
multiplications (starting with a 1 value instead of the base, of course).
In most (crypto) libraries you have some kind of bignum
library providing a modPow
method. Beware that having such functionality in itself is not enough to create secure RSA operations; generally some kind of protection against time or power based side channel attacks also needs to be implemented.