I have a working camera in a 3D scene in OpenGL, and I decided I want to draw a crosshair in the middle. To do that, I want to use a separate shader for the crosshair (and eventually, HUD) and the 3D scene. I managed to make something work using glDrawArrays
and a VBO with the line vertices in it.
The problem with this setup is that the cross extends all the way to the borders of the window, even though I specified small coordinates so that it is just in the center of the screen.
Here are my shaders (in order, vertex shader and fragment shader):
#version 450 core
layout (location = 0) in vec2 aPos;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(aPos, 0, 0);
#version 450 core
out vec4 FragColor;
void main() {
FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
As you can see, they are extremely simple and do literally nothing with the coordinates. The drawing process looks something like this:
crosshair = np.array([
-0.02, 0,
0.02, 0,
0, -0.02,
0, 0.02], dtype = 'float32')
vbo_2d, vao_2d = glGenBuffers(1), glGenVertexArrays(1)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_2d)
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, crosshair, GL_STATIC_DRAW)
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 8, ctypes.c_void_p(0))
while not window.check_if_closed():
#render 3d stuff with another shader program and other vbos ad vaos
glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, 4)
#swap buffers etc.
This is what my window looks like:
Thanks in advance!
The issue is the computation of the Homogeneous clip space coordinate in the vertex shader. The normalized device space coordinate is computed by dividing the .xyz
components of gl_Position
by it's .w
component (Perspective divide).
Since the .w
component is 0, the resulting coordinates become infinite (except the coordinate itself is 0).
gl_Position = vec4(aPos, 0, 0);
gl_Position = vec4(aPos, 0, 1.0);