When a file is uploaded with a slow connection (only), using my CXF REST API, I get Couldn't find MIME boundary
error. So I debugged the CXF core code to find why. Now I'm looking at this CXF Core code[1].
private static boolean readTillFirstBoundary(PushbackInputStream pbs, byte[] bp) throws IOException {
// work around a bug in PushBackInputStream where the buffer isn't
// initialized
// and available always returns 0.
int value = pbs.read();
while (value != -1) {
value = pbs.read();
When the client to server connection is very slow, the first value of the input stream is almost always -1
. That results Couldn't find MIME boundary
error at the later on the flow.
If I change the code to skip the first byte if it's -1 like below, it works smoothly.
private static boolean readTillFirstBoundary(PushbackInputStream pbs, byte[] bp) throws IOException {
// work around a bug in PushBackInputStream where the buffer isn't
// initialized
// and available always returns 0.
int value = pbs.read();
if (value == -1) { <<<<<< if the first byte is -1,
value = pbs.read(); <<<<<< ignore that and read the
} <<<<<< next byte
while (value != -1) {
value = pbs.read();
Any idea what could be the reason?
It turned out to be a tomcat bug[1]. :-/
Works file with later Tomcat versions.