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Lua string concatenation within table constructor

I'm trying to initialize a table of default properties for my script, and I'm facing the following scenario:

_property_table = {

    k1 = "val1",
    k2 = "val2",
    k3 = k1 .. "val3",



When trying to concatenate k1 within the table constructor, lua fails with the following error:

_impl error: [string "main.lua"]:10: attempt to concatenate global 'k1' (a nil value)

Is this behavior expected, or am I missing something?

I'm fairly new to Lua, so any tips or suggestions on how to proceed would be appreciated.



  • That behaviour is expected: k1 is not a variable name, k1 = is simply a shortcut for ["k1"] = inside a table expression. There are two basic solutions:

    1. Use a variable:

      local k1 = "val1"
      _property_table = {
          k1 = k1,
          k2 = "val2",
          k3 = k1 .. "val3",
    2. Assign k3 after the table creation:

      _property_table = {
          k1 = "val1,
          k2 = "val2",
      _property_table.k3 = _property_table.k1 .. "val3"