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Given Twilio states 1 sms per second - do I need to modify my bulk sending sms function? - Django

On their pricing page Twilio states one sms per second for "clean local numbers". Does this mean I cannot send more than one sms per second for that number

I'm using the following code and it seems to be working in terms of sending sms to subscriber phone numbers:

for subscriber in subscribers:
    subscriber_num = subscriber.phone_number
    my_sms = "My message to subscribers"
        to= subscriber_num,

Should I modify my code to take into account one sms per second for "clean local numbers"


  • Twilio will queue SMS segments if you exceed 1 segment per second, up to 4 hours worth of segments can be queued and will drain at 1 segment per second.

    You can set the maximum lifetime a segment will remain in queue with the validity period (default is 4 hours), keeping in mind you don't want SMS segments to be delivered past normal business hours.