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reproduce R function call with text

in an application I use RODBC to access a database. Specifically I call a function like this: sqlQuery(conn, qry), where qry is a string, and conn is a RODBC connection object.

Is it possible to paste this into a file in such a way that if I copy and paste the file contents into the terminal, I will reproduce the exact function call?

For example, if I make a dataframe: df <- data.frame(test = c(1, 2, 3)), I can call dput(df), which will return: structure(list(frank = c(1, 2, 3)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -3L))

If I copy and paste that into the terminal, I will get the original dataframe.

It would be really convienient for debugging if I could do something like this for sqlQuery(conn, qry)


  • Assuming that dput works Ok for your objects, and that we can assume that any required libraries are loaded and/or functions defined, why not just build the function call string like this:

    Define 'fput' function to generate pastable string that will replicate a function call:

    fput = function( fun_string, ... ) {
        arg_strings=lapply(args,function(arg) capture.output(,list(arg),envir=parent.frame())))


    Sample data:


    Sample function call to replicate as pastable string:


    Call fput():

    fput( "plot", a, b )


    [1] "plot ( 1:10,c(1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100) )"

    Check: copy-paste of output generates same result as plot(a,b)