I have a SES Configset created and trying to add SNS Event-Destination using CLI, But I get always this error,
[root@me]# aws --version
aws-cli/1.18.51 Python/2.7.5 Linux/3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64 botocore/1.16.1
[root@me]# aws ses update-configuration-set-event-destination --generate-cli-skeleton
"ConfigurationSetName": "",
"EventDestination": {
"Name": "",
"Enabled": true,
"MatchingEventTypes": [
"KinesisFirehoseDestination": {
"IAMRoleARN": "",
"DeliveryStreamARN": ""
"CloudWatchDestination": {
"DimensionConfigurations": [
"DimensionName": "",
"DimensionValueSource": "linkTag",
"DefaultDimensionValue": ""
"SNSDestination": {
"TopicARN": ""
[root@me]# aws ses list-configuration-sets
"ConfigurationSets": [
"Name": "my-ses-configset"
[root@me]# aws ses update-configuration-set-event-destination --cli-input-json { "ConfigurationSetName": "my-ses-configset", "EventDestination": { "Name": "my-sns-destination", "Enabled": true, "MatchingEventTypes": [ "reject" ], "SNSDestination": { "TopicARN": "<my SNS Topic ARN>" } } }
Unknown options: my-ses-configset,, EventDestination:, {, Name:, my-sns-destination,, Enabled:, true,, MatchingEventTypes:, [, bounce, ],, SNSDestination:, {, TopicARN:, <my SNS Topic ARN>, }, }, }, ConfigurationSetName:
What is wrong here? I am providing right SNS-topic-arn.
You need to surround your input json with single quotes, otherwise the space separated strings in json will be interpreted as command-line arguments. That's why you got the Unknown options
error message.