I was wondering if there is a way to construct a parse tree during LL(1) parsing. I've been trying for days, but have been unable to find a solution. This question is similar, but it doesn't provide enough implementation details, and it is for the AST, not the parse tree.
I would do it that way:
Examle Grammar:
statement -> number
statement -> '(' statement '+' statement ')'
number-> 'n'
results into:
['(', "statement", '+', "statement", ')'],
perform ll parsing:
"((n+n)+n)" -> ll -> [1,1,0,2,0,2,0,2]
you will get a list of performed rules
now you can build a tree
def tree(input, ll_output):
rule = ll_output.pop(0)
tokens = []
for item in RULES[rule]:
if len(item) > 1: tokens.append(tree(input, ll_output))
else: tokens.append(input.pop(0))
return tokens
input = ['(','(','n','+','n',')','+','n',')'] # "((n+n)+n)"
ll_output = [1,1,0,2,0,2,0,2]
tree(input, ll_output)
# -> ['(', ['(', [['n']], '+', [['n']], ')'], '+', [['n']], ')']