Can anyone please explain why we CAN assign a value without declaring it first. To my understanding we would need to declare a variable first (var visitorsName = prompt("Input your name: "). What is a visitorName if not variable? Thank you so much!
visitor_name = prompt("Input your name : ");
if(visitor_name !=null && visitor_name != ""){
alert("Your name is: " + visitor_name);
} else {
alert("No Name User")
When javascript was created, it was expected to be used for small scripts and often by novice programmers. As a result, it was designed to tolerate some sloppy coding practices. One of the ways it does this is that if you fail to declare your variable, it will create a global variable for you.
When this line runs:
visitor_name = prompt("Input your name : ");
Javascript will create a property on the window
object named visitor_name
. And later on, any time you refer to visitor_name, since there's no other variable with that name, it will access window.visitor_name
I recommend you avoid using this "feature" of javascript, and just declare your variables explicitly.