I'm new to this so do let me know if the question is badly worded! I have an Android app that needs to execute a task roughly every 15 minutes even if the phone is on lock. The context is: - Im targeting SDK 23 or higher - The task 1) takes the user's location 2) makes a call to an HTTPS API using OKHttpClient, then 3) sends the results to a Firestore database
I'm using WorkManager to try to achieve this goal. However, the problem is every time it executes, it does so 8 - 9 times and it is very irregular in timing. I can see this from the Firestore entries and Logcat.
Is WorkManager even the right way to go about this task? I am using
implementation "androidx.work:work-runtime:2.0.1"
import androidx.work.PeriodicWorkRequest;
import androidx.work.WorkManager;
import androidx.work.ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy;
I see others have had this issue: Android Worker execute the job multiple times
//In MainActivity.java:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
PeriodicWorkRequest periodicWorkRequest = new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(
PeriodicReadings.class, 15, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build();
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("PWR", ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.REPLACE, periodicWorkRequest);
//In PeriodicReadings.java:
public Result doWork() {
getReadings(); //work to be done
return Result.success();
Every 15 minutes I expected a reading to appear in the Firestore database, but instead I see batches of 8 - 9 readings appear at irregular intervals varying every 15minutes - 2 hours.
I have tried clean and rebuild, invalidating and restarting cache, and also reloading the app on the phone.
Try this out:
WorkManager.getInstance().enqueueUniquePeriodicWork("PWR",ExistingPeriodicWorkPolicy.KEEP, periodicWorkRequest);
KEEP: If a previous worker exists, your new attempt is simply ignored, else your new worker is enqueued.
REPLACE: If a previous worker exists, it is cancelled, leading to a state CANCELLED for it. Then or else, your new worker is enqueued.