I have a Javascript code that shows a tooltip when hovering over an HTML element. Now I want to give this element a latency of about 6 milliseconds. In CSS it is very easy with the transition command. However, I did not find a transition style command in Javascript. Is there a solution or do I have to change to another programming language?
Javascript code:
var bghtooltipin = document.getElementById('bgh-tooltipin1');
var bghtooltipout = document.getElementById('bgh-tooltipout1');
bghtooltipin.addEventListener('mouseover', bghtooltipinmouseOver);
bghtooltipin.addEventListener('mouseout', bghtooltipoutmouseOut);
function bghtooltipinmouseOver() {
bghtooltipout.innerHTML = 'Go to Login';
bghtooltipout.style.color = "white";
bghtooltipout.style.top = "0";
function bghtooltipoutmouseOut() {
bghtooltipout.innerHTML = ' ';
bghtooltipout.style.top = "-99999px"
You can use something like this:
bghtooltipout.style.transition = "all 6s";