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Gradle Build File org.openapi.generator openApiGenerate Listing Generators openApiGenerators No Output No Error

I have the following configuration in my build.gradle file

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'org.openapi.generator' version '4.1.3'

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }
} += "$buildDir/generated/src/main/java"

openApiGenerate {
    generatorName = "java"
    inputSpec = "$rootDir/API/POMOrchestrator.v1.json".toString()
    outputDir = "$rootDir/application/".toString()
    apiPackage = ""
    invokerPackage = ""
    modelPackage = ""
    modelNamePrefix = "Party"
    configOptions = [
            dateLibrary: "java8-localdatetime"


compileJava.dependsOn tasks.openApiGenerate

When I execute the following command

gradle openApiGenerators --warning-mode all

I get the following output with no error (apparent error as I assume it doesn't like my generator name), no outputed classes.

> Configure project :
Using method method to create a property of type Map<K, V> has been deprecated. This will fail with an error in Gradle 6.0. Please use the Ob
jectFactory.mapProperty() method instead.

> Task :openApiGenerators
The following generators are available:

CLIENT generators:
    - ada
    - android
    - apex
    - bash
    - c
    - clojure
    - cpp-qt5-client
    - cpp-restsdk
    - cpp-tizen
    - csharp
    - csharp-netcore
    - dart
    - dart-jaguar
    - eiffel
    - elixir
    - elm
    - erlang-client
    - erlang-proper
    - flash
    - go
    - go-experimental (experimental)
    - groovy
    - haskell-http-client
    - java
    - javascript
    - javascript-closure-angular
    - javascript-flowtyped
    - jaxrs-cxf-client
    - jmeter
    - kotlin
    - lua
    - nim (beta)
    - objc
    - ocaml
    - perl
    - php
    - powershell
    - python
    - python-experimental (experimental)
    - r
    - ruby
    - rust
    - scala-akka
    - scala-gatling
    - scalaz
    - swift4
    - typescript-angular
    - typescript-angularjs
    - typescript-aurelia
    - typescript-axios
    - typescript-fetch
    - typescript-inversify
    - typescript-jquery
    - typescript-node
    - typescript-rxjs

SERVER generators:
    - ada-server
    - aspnetcore
    - cpp-pistache-server
    - cpp-qt5-qhttpengine-server
    - cpp-restbed-server
    - csharp-nancyfx
    - erlang-server
    - fsharp-functions (beta)
    - fsharp-giraffe-server (beta)
    - go-gin-server
    - go-server
    - graphql-nodejs-express-server
    - haskell
    - java-inflector
    - java-msf4j
    - java-pkmst
    - java-play-framework
    - java-undertow-server
    - java-vertx
    - jaxrs-cxf
    - jaxrs-cxf-cdi
    - jaxrs-cxf-extended
    - jaxrs-jersey
    - jaxrs-resteasy
    - jaxrs-resteasy-eap
    - jaxrs-spec
    - kotlin-server
    - kotlin-spring
    - kotlin-vertx (beta)
    - nodejs-express-server (beta)
    - php-laravel
    - php-lumen
    - php-silex
    - php-slim
    - php-symfony
    - php-ze-ph
    - python-aiohttp
    - python-blueplanet
    - python-flask
    - ruby-on-rails
    - ruby-sinatra
    - rust-server
    - scala-finch
    - scala-lagom-server
    - scala-play-server
    - scalatra
    - spring

    - asciidoc
    - cwiki
    - dynamic-html
    - html
    - html2
    - openapi
    - openapi-yaml

SCHEMA generators:
    - avro-schema (beta)
    - mysql-schema

CONFIG generators:
    - apache2
    - graphql-schema
    - protobuf-schema (beta)

OTHER generators:

1 actionable task: 1 executed

First time trying this and not sure what is wrong.

Ultimately I want to get this working and then specify templates so that I can add lombok annotations (as asked in this question Gradle Swagger CodeGen DefaultGenerator CodegenConfigurator Add Lombok but not answered yet). However, I have to get the code gen working first.


  • I was calling the wrong method. The openApiGenerators just list the generators which is what it was doing. To generate the output, you have to call the task created above openApiGenerate. Thanks @philonous for the answer.